Separado and Oil City Confidential: DOUBLE-BILL

5 pm and 8pm at Phillip Road Centre, Wivenhoe

The first of Sunday’s fabulous double-bill is the wild and wacky ‘Separado’, a psychedelic-Welsh-Patagonian-road-music-movie with Super Furry Animals Gruff Rhyss almost out-Booshing the Boosh in this enjoyable quirky and thoroughly engaging music experience.

If you are not actually putting up your tent on the park, then why not come along for this screening at 5 pm, then there’s just time for a quick refreshment break before catching the second feature at 8pm: Julian Temple’s excellent ‘Oil City Confidential’ which follows the rise and rise of ‘the Worlds Greatest Local Band’ Doctor Feelgood.

And you could still have time for a quick one after the show before checking your guys and turning in early… ready for the Wivenhoe May Fair on Monday!

£8 for all three screenings over the weekend